Cultural Studies & Criticism

Mexico on Film Garza

Given its features as a modern mass medium and thus closely related to the nation, cinema has rightly been regarded as a privileged site for putting forward and contesting representations of national identity, or in short, as a main arena in which narratives of national identity are negotiated. What do films such as Amores Perros or Traffic say about Mexican identity? In what way could Bread and Roses or The Crime of Padre Amaro be part of its transformation? This book looks at representations of “Mexicanity” in Mexican cinema and also in Hollywood throughout the twentieth century and beyond, arguing that the international context plays at least as important a role as ethnicity, religion and language in the construction of images of the national self, although it is seldom taken into account in theories of national identity.

Marxism and Environmental Crisis David Layfield

How can Marxism help us understand the contemporary environmental situation? How can Marxism help greens respond to this situation? Marxism and Environmental Crises answers these questions by claiming that Marxism offers a uniquely useful means to understand the various environmental crises that affect the contemporary world.

Women at the Helm Bocci

This book is a road map for human survival from a scientific perspective. A sense of responsibility for future generations is essential and our aim should be to avoid unnecessary war, human suffering, and further harm to the environment. This book not only seeks to answer the reasons for war and human suffereing through the lense of sex and gender, it also seeks to present a panacea for the future.

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