Redrawing the Map of the Future
Digitisation, Industry 4.0, AI, E-Mobility, and the Circular Economy
Mats Larsson
In this visionary book, the author argues that in order to drive the development of technology and sustainability forward there is a need for considerable investment and collective action. The need to drive large-scale development and transformation is usually overlooked when consultants that study and predict the future and experts in narrow fields project trends into the future. The foundation of our future has been laid by the past decisions and activities, or lack thereof, by politicians and their voters. This book seeks to tell the story of a future that few people expect.
About the Author:
Mats Larsson has been working 30 years as a consultant in innovation, strategies, and change management. He has written five internationally published books about the future, starting with The Transparent Market (written with David Lundberg) which was published in 1998. In this book the authors argued that in the future, companies and individuals would extensively do business on the internet, something few experts and people in general believed at the time. In recent books he has analysed the transformation of transport systems to electric mobility (Global Energy Transformation and The Business of Global Energy Transformation) and the development of a circular economy (Circular Business Models). He now takes on the challenge of telling the largely untold story of a future that few people expect, hoping to reach ordinary people and decision makers with his important message.
Title Info:
Author: Mats Larsson
Release date: Dec, 2019
Format: Paperback, 220 pages
Availability: Available from all good bookshops. For wholesalers via Gardners or direct from the publisher.
Paperback ISBN: 978-191159350
Paperback Price: £16.99