Searching for Christianity
Norman Thornton
Taking a multi-purpose and inter-denominational approach, this is a book addressed to all Christians, who in this sceptical age, may be experiencing a religious crisis or doubts as to their commitment to Christ’s teaching and Revelation. Whilst this book is written from the basis of conviction, it insists on demonstrating factual evidence. With this in mind, the reader is taken through the Bible, from the book of Genesis onwards, and answers are offered for many of those difficult questions which usually arouse anxiety in the minds of the faithful from time to time. In addition, the book offers questions and discussion topics at the conclusion of each chapter. This is an ideal handbook which religious teachers and ministers of all denominations will find helpful, written by a fully-qualified scholar holding a doctorate in theological studies.
About the Author:
Dr. Norman Thornton has written a number of books on business management and accountancy. As a Methodist with an interest in religious studies, he enrolled in the Department of Social and Pastoral Studies as a student in the Faculty of Theology at Manchester University where he obtained his Doctorate. After war-time service in the Royal Air Force serving in Britain, Egypt and the Sudan, he started his career as an accountant in business. In 1962, after gaining 7 years part-time lecturing experience, he decided to make that occupation is full-time career until retirement in 1983. At the time of his retirement, he was a principal lecturer in accountancy in the Department of Accounting and Finance, in the Faculty Management and Business at Manchester Polytechnic.
Title Info:
Author: Norman Thornton
Release date: July 2011
Format: Paperback, 272 pages
Availability: Available online or direct from the publisher.
Paperback ISBN: 978-1906791728
Paperback Price: £12.99
Category: Non-Fiction