The Happy Farmer

Peter Fairs

The Happy Farmer Peter Fairs

In a world racked with anxiety and depression the author’s attitude to living will inspire many readers. An ordinary man who made himself extraordinary by never accepting failure takes us on a journey through life. As a child, his relatively humble but comfortable beginnings in a tiny Essex village meant work on the farm from a very early age. Boarding school from the age of ten was difficult but character-building and the book demonstrates an optimism so often lacking in the developed world.

Peter Fairs’ reference to ‘who you know is just as important as what you know’ may make younger readers feel a little uncomfortable at times but his proven ability to mix with any member of society has added to his success in building on opportunities. In his life, he has captained sports clubs, presided over societies, performed as a raconteur on numerous occasions, regularly written for the local newspaper, been an entrepreneurial farmer and an exceptional husband, father and grandfather.

Peter Fairs is unorthodox and his book is written in his own style with humour reflected on every subject. An easy and stimulating read.

About the Author:

In a world racked with anxiety and depression Peter Fairs’ positive attitude to living will bring a sense of inspiration to many readers. This is his journey through a full, and sometimes privileged, life. Testing times at boarding school transcend into opportunities taken along every step for this Sportsman, Businessman, Raconteur, Journalist, Entrepreneurial Farmer and exceptional Family man. His reflections on class differences, local history and farming practices are interspersed with hilarious stories along the way. An easy, thought-provoking read.

Title Info:

Author: Peter Fairs
Release date: June 2020
Format: Paperback, 156 pages
Availability: Available from all good bookshops. For wholesalers via Gardners or direct from the publisher.
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-911593-69-0
Paperback Price: £12.99